In the Beginning There Was This Motherfuck
Ankle Deep
Fennec, Hare, Sirocco, or How Can I Love You If You Won't Lay Down?
Juvenile Dolphin, Albatross, School of Fish, Relationship
What is Black and White and Red All Over?
"May You Drink Long and Deep at the Watering-hole of Life" - a birthday image for N. J. Emanuele
Well if that's...really what you want by all means.
Raven & Young Tiger, Taiga Fire, Dawn.
Just Fucking With You Brosef, or, Polar Bear, Seabird, Baleen Carcass.
Mammalian Invitation to Play, or, #orca #polarbear #playordie #outofyourdepth
Two Meet in a Florida Dusk
Oliver, family dog aka The Witchboy.
Lucina, my Granmary's tortoiseshell-Siamese rescue.
Handsome Alabama Waitt Amongst the Morning Sheets
Invisible things.
We Two Will Be Friends Long After You Have Died
C. Tuttle: He is a little bummed about the six-pack thingy but tries his little best anyhow to look on the bright side of life.
Best dog at a friend's beach wedding.
An Emerald Python, my favorite snake species. This one is entitled "Mommy, will I die one day like you will?
Concept sketches for my upcoming 'children's book' about these characters I met called Immortal Karma Kittens. A privileged creative-type who leads an ethically ambiguous life in New York City saves some kittens who have been left for dead in a sack in standing water.
They proceed to accidentally-on-purpose make his once-comfortable life hell while teaching him a thing or two about how being an asshole comes back to bite you in the ass, but he's stuck with them. They demand rigorous self-examination.
Twist on the ancient Chinese "save a man's life and you're responsible for it for the rest of yours."
Will he return them to the place he found them or reform?
oops. they spillededed.
For a friend. This is what we eat at Rehwinkel family reunions. Grandaddy mildly says of mullet "I believe some people call it a trash fish, I don't know." It is good eatin'.
My aunt's cat, from a photo. Yes, that's her resting bitchface.
Made for a fishmonger friend whose favorite fish is this.
These characters Poncy and Cue. Kind of inspired by Koko's Kitten.