Sun Down - Processing Sketch # 1

My first Processing sketch.  All very manual.  Triangles not totally natural yet.  

Screen shot 2014-09-07 at 11.29.44 PM.png

//midnight sky, how to do a gradient? maybe multiple rectangles?
size (500,500); 
background (21, 21, 137); 


fill(255, 255, 255);
point (0, 100);

//manual sun rise/set iterations


fill(255, 255, 255); 
ellipse (150,75,25,25);


fill(255, 254, 224); 
ellipse (155,80,27,27);

fill(250, 246, 174); 
ellipse (160,85,29,29);

fill(255, 218, 124); 
ellipse (163,90,32,32);

fill(255, 197, 124); 
ellipse (168,95,36,36);

fill(255, 187, 103); 
ellipse (179,110,40,40);

fill(255, 178, 103); 
ellipse (190,130,45,45);

fill(255, 165, 80); 
ellipse (200,150,47,47);

fill(255, 157, 72); 
ellipse (220,187,52,52);

fill(255, 146, 72); 
ellipse (238,235,60,60);

fill(255, 139, 72); 
ellipse (238,235,60,60);

fill(255, 128, 72); 
ellipse (260,310,80,80);


fill(255, 100, 50); 
ellipse (300,400,100,100);

//da sharp mountains of the west


fill(255, 255, 255);

triangle (0,500,300,500,100,370);
triangle (320,500,400,390,500,500);
triangle (400,500,475,450,600,500);
triangle (150,500,400,500,280,400);

//light blue shadows

fill(188, 225, 255);

triangle (250,500,300,500,100,370);
triangle (470,500,400,390,500,500);
triangle (490,500,475,450,600,500);
triangle (270,500,400,500,280,400);