working with Sabrina Osmany (ITP 2015) continuing her interface research starting in undergrad - many of the ideas/syntheses below stem either from her, or from our collective discussion of existing ideas.
some points of discussion:
Heidegger's The Question Concerning Technology
interface (technology/tools + language) as a cultural-generational evolution starting with simple, static, highly specific physical tools such as the hammer and then the nth generation today/in the future yielding immersive, dynamic environments-as-interfaces (e.g. VR).
New concept/implementation of dynamic AI environment yields
- Yielding emergent, unpredictable mass human behaviors - unprecedented in history.
- behavior patterns going from the individual to the collective
- migration of creativity from the human and individual to the machine and collective (due to divergent behavior flattening)
- Predictive AI creates behavioral echo-chamber leading to central question: if the environment and interface is dynamic - how can we determine what behaviors are natural? Not just layered reflections of narrow interpretation of machine learning-influenced human behavioral programming?
- What are the sensing systems that will be employed? Innovated by learning machines?
- What directives, motivations, authority, and prioritizing of new relationships will be created between human intention, human behavior, and machine intention, machine behavior?
As far as the documentary structuring/editing process:
- several threads to track: increasing complexity of interfaces schematic, directness of input/output, human behavior
- we decided not to write a script but instead to gather stock footage and images illustrating the pertinent technologies/interfaces and humans using them. Created a sections/threads oriented title card timing to fill with choice stock footage/images
- still in the process of determining the most salient through-lines of each interface and across interfaces (e.g. showing physicality of human hands interfacing with tech (hammer > button > touch screen > VR?)
- what is the thesis/story/style/form/runtime?
- bigger questions: will language as mother-technology be included? What about large scale human watersheds? What about speculation about the effect of AI on human behavior in the aggregate? Speculation on the driving ethos of dynamic, immersive, AI-oriented interfaces (traditional cultural economic human industry (as in the rest of scientific research, OR will a more "natural" or ecosystem-oriented ethos emerge for guiding human behaviors toward energy efficiency?