Visual Screenplay

This is a demo of a screenplay visualization program for the web. The idea is to provide writers, readers, studio executives, producers, talent and other crew the ability to quickly scan an entire screenplay to visually get a feel for tone or to assess how much of an element or talent a particular story involves. 

I feel strongly about this coming from the film industry.  Screenwriters rarely get the chance to see an entire screenplay come to visual fruition.  This is a valuable tool for directors and producers looking for a script to option with limited time and attention span. 

 Currently it is front-end/client-side only but ideally it will be expanded to server-side.  In the next iteration FinalDraft native XML files can be used to neatly reformat for HTML/CSS with JQuery JSON or XML parsing. 

This was my first foray into using JQuery with CSS and HTML.  I avoided using p5.js because it seemed like treading old ground.   I struggled with the selector logic & syntax - do I use (this) or ('*') or the '#div id tag'?  I had difficulty with the CSS style placement but eventually figured it out with help.  Another issue I ran into was using a span class to get screenplay character names for their own hover function.  This caused formatting issues.  I ended up using (body) in my hover() methods.  Another nice CSS discovery was the background-size:cover argument which made sizing my differntly sized images a snap. 


Response to Berner's Lee Long Live the Web.

 "If we want to track what government is doing, see 
what companies are doing, understand the true state of the 
planet, find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, not to mention easily 
share our photos with our friends, we the public, the scientific 
community and the press must make sure the Web’s principles 
remain intact—not just to preserve what we have gained but to 
benefit from the great advances that are still to come." - David Berner's-Lee


 This man has so much agency concentrated into one person: he has degrees in electronics, engineering, and computer science.  He generally knows how to make all the electrons go exactly where he wants. 

What he is calling for is a breakdown in the walls of capital's innate need for exclusivity.  Unfortunately it is often capital which can afford to pay for skills like his which take a long time to cultivate in the right conditions. If everyone had his skills then everyone could use their security and oversight and faculty and facility to engineer what they needed and it could possibly work better to share the information which everyone would then be able to determine they needed to get and share. 

"Allowing any site to link to any other site is necessary but not 
sufficient for a robust Web."

He wants royalty-free, tested, open standards for internet design covering every major facet or terminus. And there should be many options for the birth of new facets and termini.  I think Berners-Lee is obviously a visionary, he speaks the truth and he's barking up one of the right trees but like most people he's missing the one key tree.  It's the tree no one knows how to practically look at and address. It's agency.  I have curiousity/hopes that educational models like ITP could spread - but it needs to be accessible and normalized.  Then I think the internet would stay free because it would be made of even more people's minds and so it would be even more dynamic and would be less tied to capital infrastructure investments. 


The threat to net neutrality is terrifying. What are some technical innovations someone like myself could pursue?  Obviously someone should and assumedly is working somewhere on ways to reduce resources required for server and network infrastructure.  Food for thought.  Also happy he called iTunes out for being a hellish prison.

Response to Anil Dash's The Web We Lost and Rebuilding the Web We Lost


I agree with Dash's posits, and: 

The internet is a last frontier of "Democracy" and the "Free Market."  Sadly, those concepts are flimsy to begin with since they are based on middlemen and uppermen aggregating for themselves all the tiny bits the laboring masses can squeeze out.  Kook-sentiments, sure.  The elements at play are based on power-and-choicemaking-by-proxy as well as the consideration of the planet's finite resources (and even those considered as such) to be infinite. 

So even though we saw the rise of the 'Net as a beautifully heterogenous landscape nothing nice ever goes unnoticed by dividend-seekers.  If we are to currently secure that Internet  more will have to change in what our society does about what they know about much more beyond the internet.  Maybe just in the knick-of-time, before its sun slips behind the mountains it will be from the Internet itself that a great (r)evolution will come? ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)?


Despite my tirade of blunt agreement I'd like to add that Dash's proposed ameliorations are admirable.  The diversity of start ups seems key.  The consideration for the social responsibility of giants like Facebook and the affect it has on teens and other socially vulnerable people is also an astute note. 



JSON p5.js

Desired project process & outcome: 

1) Load validated JSON document from FinalDraft .FDX (.XML) file. 

2) Get "Locations" data from screenplay property: array of Locations. 

3.) Then load and display Google search images representing each location in the JSON array. E.g.:

"Locations": {
        "Location": [

          "SUBWAY CAR",
          "LAW OFFICE",
          "LOFT STUDIO",
          "STUDIO LOFT",
          "OYSTER BAR",
          "PHOTO STUDIO",
          "HIGHLINE PARK",
          "CAR - MARBLEHEAD",
          "THE LANDING",
          "STATE STREET",
          "BED & BREAKFAST- ROOM",
          "BREAKFAST ROOM",
          "MARINA DAY",
          "THE LANDING PUB",
          "MARBLEHEAD NECK",
          "ROY'S HOUSE",
          "END OF STREET",
          "DINING ROOM",
          "TIERED BACKYARD",
          "YACHT - DOCK",
          "GROCERY STORE",
          "BED AND BREAKFAST",
          "UNCLE ROY'S HOUSE",
          "POLICE STATION",
          "MARINA YACHT CLUB",
          "EXAM ROOM",
          "PHONE CONVO",
          "LUXURY YACHT",
          "ROY'S HOUSE DECK",
          "EXT SAILBOAT",
          "CAR - HIGHWAY",
          "INT CAR",
          "COAST GUARD BOAT",
          "UPSTAIRS - ROY'S HOUSE - DAY",
          "UNCLE ROY'S HOUSE - DAY",
          "WINE CELLAR",
          "INT/EXT CAR/ROAD",
          "END CREDITS",
          "LIVING ROOM",
          "GUEST BEDROOM",
          "GAS STATION - HIGHWAY",
          "HALLWAY - ROY'S HOUSE",
          "MARINA - HALLWAY"

a la this foiled attempt using McCarthy's p5 github examples for a local JSON file: 



However, in testing I kept getting an error locally and via the server/Chrome: 

Response to Art & the API + Google's Dev Art

Read Art and the API and look at some of the art projects that use APIs at Google's Dev Art. Write a blog post that discusses Thorpe's piece and/or one or more DevArt projects and/or other projects that make use of APIs

Coming from a still developing film career, I'm now searching for something more concrete with my new studies than to go through life begging for people with money to consider me and my creativity as legitimate solely in the context of art. So normally I resist it mentally when I hear ITP referred to as an art school.  But despite my twice-bitten mistrust of the term "art" I always come back to this kind of thinking, quoted in Jer Thorp's piece, which I do believe in: 


"The specific function of modern didactic art has been to show that art does not reside in material entities, but in relations between people and between people and the components of their environment." - Jack Burnham




Ideas - making ideas clear through creative association and implied analogies and whatever else is in the tool box. But it's analogy of form, concept, emotion, spatial relationship et cetera that gives artists - and now especially "digital" or "tech" oriented artists the free pass to step in and analyze any topic with factual data to find those connections and then show them to an audience.  An . Application Programming Interface is the common language that writes, ecrypts, and unlocks that hall pass. 

Starting at ITP marked the first time I'd really heard about APIs, open or not.   A commenter on the blog sums up the simple approach to this concept (which strikes me as a newcomer as well): 

 "I like the focus on the API over something static like a database. It empowers the artist to transform up-to-date and changing data into something equally up-to-date. Much more impacting, much more interesting".

P.S. Looking at the Dronestream twitter feed makes me lamely ask: "What the fuck is our country doing obliterating people with drones?"  Stirring up an anthill to feed the machine that makes money burning the ants with a magnifying glass. 

Again, the closing quote from Jack Burnham "The significant artist strives to reduce the technical and psychical distance between [their] artistic output and the productive means of society" rings with my vibes. 

P.P.S All of the direct API links seem to be broken in this write-up. 

First Document Object Model (DOM) with HTML & CSS

I was moderately delighted that I somehow subconsciously absorbed the concept of nesting functions.  I was trying to add a "refresh" function to get an ID and replace the secondary inner html with the original.  A clumsy workaround to an actual loop to reset something surely but I wanted to make it work anyhow.  It wasn't working the way I wanted because the document.getElementById function was skipping the secondary or replaced inner HTML and was instead grabbing the original defined earlier.  So I thought of nesting the "refresh" function and replaced the secondary inner HTML.  There is still a problem of course - I can't then go back forward through the replace function to go from the tertiary inner HTML to the secondary.  That's again evidence I need to implement a loop.  I also used my CSS code from my Week 1 homework and adapted that pretty lightly. 

An aside: So, this isn't a sparkling effort but I'm still working through how best to learn to use languages and how to breakdown leftover learning difficulties/avoidances from fifth grade math class, etc.  People keep saying all you need to do is spend time with it and it's completely true. It's the same with math. Hardly anyone is born good at math but I didn't know that back then. It's your attitude towards the work that has to be put into it.  

Foray into p5 with HTML

Initially had some syntax error which I got through by troubleshooting like this: 

Using the empty_example from the p5.js complete download I was able to transfer the Processing sketch line by line; testing periodically in my browser using the local server. 

I eliminated syntax errors and was able to get the p5.js version of my Processing sketch up and working.

However, my file structure or server connection still had an error so I was unable to actually open the index.html file with Google Chrome.  It kept returning a 404 error or this:

...despite being able to call up last week's HTML project. 

Here is a video documenting my p5 sketch.